Saturday, December 15, 2012


What an interesting Friday it was yesterday. We had a few patients this morning for lab draws, and the rest of the day was just going to be catching up on paperwork, phone calls, etc. Basically uneventful.

All those things happened, but we also had several visitors. Two from families of patients who have passed recently, and one from a patient who is currently in remission. The first was the son of a patient who passed away on Tuesday. He just wanted to stop in and say hello and tell us stories about his dad and reminisce about when they came here almost weekly for several months. The second was the wife and sister-in-law of another patient who passed away about a month ago. This patient had come to our clinic for treatment for almost 2 years and hearing of his passing was hard for all of us here at the office.

The last visitor was a happy visit from a patient who finished treatment early in the summer and has since been in remission. It is so fun to see these patients come back and to see that they are recovering well. I love to hear the changes that have occurred since their last office appointment and that they are healthy and full of life. It is so encouraging and gives me hope.

It is so humbling to me when families of our patients come back after they have passed. It does not happen often, and usually it is from those who came often or for long stretches of time. Selfishly, it gives me closure, especially in those cases when the patient or family was one that I considered a little more special than the rest. Hearing these family members tell stories and reminisce reminds me why I do what I do. It reminds me that this earth is just a temporary home. It reminds me that in spite of myself, God can use me in ways that I do not even recognize in the lives of my patients and their families. It also helps me remember that finding a balance in how close I get to these patients and their family is important, but to not let it hinder the way God wants to use me.

What a great reminder today of many things, but mostly that God has a purpose for my life and to cherish those I love every day.

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