Thursday, March 29, 2012

Vegetable Gardening Part 2

This past weekend we finished out our backyard garden. The lettuce, broccoli and carrots that we planted earlier have been doing great. The asparagus has shot up a few sprouts, but that will take 2 years to actually get any substantial plants. We have been able to harvest some of the lettuce and that has been really fun. The broccoli is still growing, so no harvesting yet, and we have a few tiny sprouts from the carrots. We just barely planted those in time before it got too warm, so we are crossing our fingers for some sort of crop.

This weekend was all about the spring/summer plants. We added 2 more large beds next to the existing ones, and added more lattice as well as secured it for a more permanent look. In one bed we planted cantelope, watermelon, and a row of green beans along the front edge. In the other bed we planted 2 sweet bell pepper plants and 2 tomato plants. We added another row of green beans along the front edge of that bed as well.

Every gardening project needs supervisors :)

close-up view

So now all we do is water, weed and wait! (and hope for the best!)

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