Sunday, March 25, 2012


I can't believe how much has happened since my last blog post! I went to New York with Brooke for 5 days, we went to Dallas for a long weekend, Lilly got adopted (yay!), got another foster pup, and did a lot of yard work this weekend. whew! So, needless to say, I have got a lot of updating work to do this week.

All I have energy for tonight is my front yard project from yesterday. I have gotten a little lazy with the front flower beds lately. They needed some serious weeding, plus 3 of the plants were half dead. But, the fact that they were only half dead instead of totally dead means that my thumb is slowly becoming more of a brownish color instead of all black, so that's an accomplishment. :). One of our neighbors had some extra flowers he gave us, so I put those in front of the bushes by the kitchen window, and pulled out the three half dead plants and replaced them with one large rose bush. I have 2 other knock-out rose bushes already in the front beds, and so far, they have been doing great. I figure if its not broke, don't fix it, so I just added another one. Looks pretty good!

flowers from the neighbor

The bush on the left is the new one
More updates coming soon!

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