Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday Five

Yay for Fridays!! This week has been a pretty good week at work, nothing too crazy, but Im still always ready for the weekend :). Especially cold rainy ones that lend themselves perfectly to working on some sewing projects and reading. So here's 5 random things that happend with us this week.

1. We went and bagged up our very own super awesome dirt (that was also only $3 per bag) and if the weather clears up a little bit tomorrow we will be starting our very own backyard vegetable garden! (you know, just so we can call ourselves true "austinites")

2. We heard from our foster-dog coordinator that she may have found a home for Ranger! Its an older retired couple that would be able to be at home a lot with him, and give him lots of attention. Hopefully it works out!

3. I thought up a really fun sewing project to accomplish this weekend. It's of course for my nieces, so even if I have a little trouble and can't finish all of it this weekend without guidance, I still have until March before we go home again. I have kinda been a terrible aunt, and didn't get anything together for the birthdays in January, but hopefully late is better than never!

4. My friend Cassell had her baby over last weekend, and last night I took them dinner and got to squeeze that little one! He is sooo cute! This was her second baby, and she was amazing and did it all without an epidural. She said she was pretty proud of herself but that she would never do it that way again lol.

5. Valentine's day was this week! I already posted a picture of our dinner that night of the heart-shaped pizzas. Since it was a Tuesday, we just stayed at home and watched a movie with our dinner and spent time together. It was pretty nice. I got some beautiful pink roses, a box of chocolates, and a Joann's giftcard. Such a good hubby.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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