Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Abby's 6th Birthday

This year for Abby's 6th birthday, she asked her parents for a party in Austin at Aunt KayLynn and Uncle Michael's house! Talk about making my Aunt heart melt into a puddle!! I of course said yes when Lisa asked us and the weekend turned into both Katie and Lisa's families coming for the whole weekend (Friday night through Monday morning) and Michael's parents even drove down for the day on Saturday for the actual birthday celebration with cake and presents. It was such a fun weekend and I loved every minute. Get ready for a photo dump :)

Those cuddles are priceless! Lizzy said "I love you 100 Aunt KayLynn" when we were watching the movie (pictured above) and I can't agree more, I love those girls so much!


  1. Baaahhhhhhh! These nieces are too much.

    Also, I need to know more about the American Girl Molly trunk.

  2. Ha! My grandmother bought me that trunk from a garage sale to hold all my doll paraphernalia and has held up really well!
