Friday, November 9, 2012

Craft Fair

A few weeks ago, I did a craft fair with my friend Christine. I sewed like a fiend for several weeks leading up to it because I decided it would be fun to procrastinate and kept telling myself "oh I have plenty of time" Yeah, probably not the best idea, but I got it done!

Even though it was quite a bit of work, I really enjoyed hanging out with Christine all the time and getting to know her better. Neither one of us sold a ton of stuff, which could have been for a lot of reasons (for example, the tx/ou game and austin city limit music festival was the same day). But since we had a great time and did sell some of the things we made, I considered it a success :).

Here's what our booth looked like!

The set up was actually really easy thanks to some great pre-planning :). We did a "mock set up" a few days before the show to decide what looked best and where things fit. All the table accessories were great goodwill finds.
We both sold kinda random things. She made bibs, burpies, onesies, changing mats, journals and bows. I made bibs, burpies, travel cases to hold diapers and wipes, toilet-paper holders (to decorate your bathroom), door silencers (good for nurseries and kids rooms), and travel towels to hold toiletries. Here's a few close-up pictures!

We both wold like to try this again together, so hopefully sometime soon we will be able to. We tried to get into a christmas fair in roundrock for this weekend, but the organizer people were kinda jerky. Or maybe I'll get real motivated sometime soon and open an etsy shop to help sell what I have leftover (but don't hold your breath) If nothing else, at least I have lots of great gifts to give people! :)

1 comment:

  1. Beware of those craft fair ladies! The can be *itchy. If you want to do a really fun one, talk to Hannah Stoney who does some cool ones around Austin. Her Etsy is here:

    Her shows are very well organized, have good advertising/graphics and she's super nice. I enjoyed the one I participated in!
