Friday, September 23, 2011

Guity Pleasure

Last night was the premier night for Thursday night shows. I'm sure there were lots of good shows on, but the main attraction for me was Grey's Anatomy. This show is probably my number one guilty pleasure. I am one of those crazy people who have been watching since season 1, and I am completely hooked.

I know that the drama is ridiculous, and that no on can hear the advice I am yelling at them, but I do it anyways. I know that some of the medical stuff they do on the show is unrealistic, but I still love me some surgery watching anyways. I have laughed, cried, gotten angry, and been happy during many episodes (yes, I do know that this is just a show but I can't help it!).  Even during the writers strike when things were not looking so great, I still kept watching faithfully every week, just knowing that those writers would work it out and come back. They did, and have been giving fans like me great shows ever since.

The premier last night was not just the normal one hour show, but 2 hours of great drama. If you are not a Grey's Anatomy watcher, you should give it a try. But watch out, you might just get hooked. :)

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