Tuesday, January 27, 2015

MG the Electrician and Sewing Projects

It's been awhile since I have finished a sewing project! For Christmas, I gave my Grandma a quilt for her bed. I have been working on it off and on for waaaaaaaaay too long and I finally finished. It's the biggest one I have made to date and I am really happy with how it turned out!

 I also finished a Christmas table runner last week (only 1.5 months late) from a kit that I bought in Michigan over the summer. This was my first time to try my hand at free motion quilting. It actually wasn't completely terrible, but only if you look at it from the front :).

A couple of weekends ago, Michael discovered that he has some great skills with electrical work and put in a new plug in our pantry! We keep our microwave in the pantry but have been using an extension cord to plug it in across the room when needed. SO thanks to Emily's super great suggestion, we realized it would not be too hard to make a permanent plug in the pantry. 

Wall before

Hard at Work ;)


Saturday, January 17, 2015


Took me about 3 weeks (working on it off and on) but I finished the hardest puzzle I have ever done!

*yes I know there is a piece missing, I inherited it from my parents after they got frustrated with it and one was lost in the transfer :(

Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Year, New Closets

After we came back to Austin from Dallas, we still had 3 more days off! So to start the new year off right, I decided to organize some closets!

Our house came with lots of great storage and all our closets are in bad bad need of organizing. My goal is to try to get alll of them done sometime over this next year.

So my first 2 victims were the hall closet and our pantry. Here are the before pictures:

And now, the after!!

 This just really makes me happy :).

Holiday Season Photo Dump

This year's holidays were one of the busiest for us. There was one week in December where we literally had a Christmas party 5 nights out of the week. Lots of fun stuff, just really busy!

Thanksgiving Highlights:
Visiting the whole Verheyden clan (39 this year!) in Temple, skeet shooting, epic Catan games (there were several rounds), Dallas with the nieces, and seeing Michigan family here in Texas!

Christmas Highlights: 
Austin Trail of lights, being off work for 8 days, learning new board games, relaxing days with family, tons of good food, playing Barbie, presents, reconnecting with old family friends, and spending lots of time with family!

The Kitamura's! we grew up across the street from this family, and we all homeschooled together. Such a great period in my childhood!

To end out this post, I leave you with my 2 favorite videos from Christmas. Enjoy :)